About the Authors

Valerie Nye is the Library Director at Santa Fe Community College. She previously served as Library Director at the Institute of American Indian Arts (IAIA) and Santa Fe University of Art & Design. She also worked as Head of Public Services at the College of Santa Fe, as a Senior Archivist at the New Mexico State Archives, and as a Public Library Consultant at the New Mexico State Library. When this research project began in the late 1990s Valerie was working as an Archivist in Special Collections at Georgia College & State University.

Ms. Nye received her B.A. in English from Cornell College and an M.A. in Library Science from the University of Wisconsin - Madison. Her current research areas are in intellectual freedom and social justice. She has edited Intellectual Freedom From a Shifting Landscape (ALA, 2020) and co-edited True Stories of Censorship Battles in America's Libraries (ALA, 2012).

R. Neil Scott was Professor and User Services Librarian at the James E. Walker Library at Middle Tennessee State University. He served at Georgia College & State University (GC&SU) for 16 years, nine as Associate Professor and Coordinator of Information Services and seven as Professor and Associate Director for Library Operations and Administrative Services. Prior to his GC&SU years he served as a Management Consultant for KPMG Peat Marwick and as Associate Professor and Head of Reference Services for the duPont Ball Library at Stetson University. His book, Flannery O'Connor: An Annotated Reference Guide to Criticism was a Choice "Outstanding Academic Title" for 2002. Neil passed away after a short illness in March 2012.

Mr. Scott received his B.A. in English from the University of South Florida, an M.L.S. in Library Science from Florida State, and an M.B.A. in Management/Marketing from Stetson University. He and his friend and colleague, Dr. Irwin Streight (Royal Military College of Canada), completed Flannery O'Connor: The Contemporary Reviews for Cambridge University Press in 2008


This project is the culmination of the effort and enthusiastic support of many individuals, but most particularly of those named below:

  • Sarah Gordon, Professor Emeritus of English at GC&SU, who recognized the value this work would have for scholars and encouraged us to go forward.

  • Bill Richards, Professor of Library Science and Collection Development Librarian at GC&SU, who read preliminary drafts and offered helpful comments.

  • The GC&SU Foundation and the GC&SU Faculty Research Committee, without whose monetary support this work would not have been possible.